Gauging European Investors’ Appetite for U.S. Funds and Considerations in Marketing to Them

Nearly half of European investments are going into U.S. markets, noted Simon Osborn, CEO of IFI Global, at a recent IFI Global program. To give U.S. managers a sense of the challenges and opportunities of marketing funds in Europe, Osborn and Lawin Chandra, CEO of Limited, discussed the diverse European funds market; the current economic climate; key considerations for managers seeking European investment capital; investors’ allocation preferences; and choice of European fund managers, service providers, domiciles and directors. This article synthesizes their observations. See our two-part series on marketing funds in Europe: “Update on Disclosure and Reporting Requirements for Marketing Funds in Europe Under AIFMD” (Jul. 21, 2022); and “Non‑AIFMD Options and Other Regulatory Considerations” (Aug. 4, 2022).

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