Can Emerging Hedge Fund Managers Use Technology to Satisfy Business Continuity Requirements and Mitigate Third-Party Risk?

Hedge funds are investing in sophisticated and robust infrastructures and information technology (IT) services to stay ahead of competition and drive growth in a changing marketplace. Challenges await, however, particularly for startup firms with budget restrictions, tight timelines and short resumes. New launches will have to raise their standards to ensure IT systems and technology support structures are in place to give firms an edge where perhaps other operational areas cannot. In this guest article, Vinod Paul, former managing director of Eze Castle Integration, examines considerations for emerging hedge fund managers in establishing technology infrastructure – including components to ensure resiliency of the manager’s business – and discusses ways an emerging manager can avoid common startup pitfalls. For more on managing third-party service providers, see “Fund Managers Must Supervise Third-Party Service Providers or Risk Regulatory Action” (Nov. 16, 2017).

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