Fund Managers Should Prepare for Further Disruption to the Industry or Risk Being Left Behind

As private fund managers continue to face headwinds on multiple fronts, one thing remains clear: disruption will continue. Notwithstanding these challenges, enormous opportunities are available to those willing to adapt their business plans accordingly. These points came across in an interview the Hedge Fund Law Report conducted with Anthony Cowell, partner and head of alternative investments at KPMG in the Cayman Islands. Cowell discussed key disruptors that fund managers should be prepared to embrace, including the use of alternative data and the broader digitization of the alternative investment industry, and this article presents his insights. See our three-part series on artificial intelligence: “How to Use It to Streamline Operations” (Sep. 5, 2019); “Government Guidance, Service-Provider Negotiations and Risks of Bias” (Sep. 12, 2019); and “Automating the Legal Department and Maintaining Privacy” (Sep. 19, 2019).

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