The U.K.’s Senior Managers and Certification Regime (SMCR) will apply to the financial services industry in its entirety on December 9, 2019. The SMCR introduces a heightened level of personal responsibility for senior managers, shifts the duty to certify control function staff onto regulated firms and establishes rules of conduct for all financial staff. An ACA Compliance Group (ACA) webinar – featuring Martin Lovick, ACA senior principal consultant; Josie Cooper, ACA consultant; and Dimitrios Sachinidis, ACA senior compliance analyst – provided a roadmap for navigating the transition to the SMCR. The first article in this two-part series summarizes the panelists’ insights on the genesis and extension of the SMCR, as well as the responsibilities of senior managers. The second article explores the firm-based certification of certain other personnel, the imposition of rules of conduct on virtually all firm employees and steps fund managers can take toward compliance. For more on the SMCR, see “FCA Issues Guidance on Expansion of Senior Managers Regime to Fund Managers and Others” (Feb. 1, 2018); and “Hedge Fund Legal Personnel May Fall Under U.K. Senior Managers Regime” (Feb. 4, 2016).