Funds launched under the Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) Directive are attractive vehicles for reaching both professional and retail investors in the E.U. and beyond. A program sponsored by Carne Group and RBC Investor & Treasury Services offered an in-depth look at the logistics of forming a UCITS fund, the marketing environment for UCITS funds, key investment restrictions and the potential impact of Brexit. The program featured David Giannone, managing director at RBC Investor & Treasury Services; Aymeric Lechartier and Nicola Cowman, managing director and director, respectively, at Carne Group; and Donnacha O’Connor, partner at Dillon Eustace. This article summarizes their insights. See “ESMA Opinion Sets Forth Four Common Principles for UCITS Share Classes” (Mar. 16, 2017); and “Are Alternative Investment Strategies Within the Spirit of UCITS?” (Jun. 8, 2012).