How Managers Can Launch and Market UCITS Funds in the E.U. and Across the Globe

Funds launched under the Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) Directive are attractive vehicles for reaching both professional and retail investors in the E.U. and beyond. A program sponsored by Carne Group and RBC Investor & Treasury Services offered an in-depth look at the logistics of forming a UCITS fund, the marketing environment for UCITS funds, key investment restrictions and the potential impact of Brexit. The program featured David Giannone, managing director at RBC Investor & Treasury Services; Aymeric Lechartier and Nicola Cowman, managing director and director, respectively, at Carne Group; and Donnacha O’Connor, partner at Dillon Eustace. This article summarizes their insights. See “ESMA Opinion Sets Forth Four Common Principles for UCITS Share Classes” (Mar. 16, 2017); and “Are Alternative Investment Strategies Within the Spirit of UCITS?” (Jun. 8, 2012).

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